.(z .TS center, box, tab(;); c || c s || c s || c s c || c s || c s || c s c || c s || c s || c s c || c | c || c | c || c | c c || c | c || c | c || c | c. Benchmark;Local Disk,;Diskless,;Diskless, \^;with Cache;Server Cache Only;Client & Server Caches \^;_;_;_ \^;Cold;Warm;Cold;Warm;Cold;Warm = Andrew;261;249;373;363;291;280 \^;105%;100%;150%;146%;117%;112% _ Fs-make;660;649;855;843;698;685 \^;102%;100%;132%;130%;108%;106% _ Simulator;161;147;168;153;167;147 \^;109%;100%;114%;104%;114%;100% _ Sort;65;61;74;72;66;61 \^;107%;100%;121%;118%;108%;100% _ Diff;22;8;27;12;27;8 \^;165%;100%;225%;147%;223%;100% _ Nroff;53;51;57;56;53;52 \^;103%;100%;112%;109%;105%;102% .TE .(q \fBTable 6\fR. Execution times with and without local disks and caching, measured on Sun-3's. The top number for each run is total elapsed time in seconds. The bottom number is normalized relative to the warm-start time with a local disk. ``Cold'' means that all caches, both on server and client, were empty at the beginning of the run. ``Warm'' means that the program was run once to load the caches, then timed on a second run. In the ``Diskless, Server Cache Only'' case, the client cache was disabled but the server cache was still enabled. In all other cases, caches were enabled on all machines. All caches were allowed to vary in size using the VM-FS negotiation scheme. .)q .)z