.(z C .(c .TS center, tab(;); | c || c | c | c | c | c |. .br _ System;Cache;Cache;Writing;Consistency;Cache \^;Location;Size;Policy;Guarantees;Validation = NFS;Memory;Fixed;On close or;Sequential;Ask server on open [SAND85];\^;\^;30 sec. delay;\^;\^ _ RFS;Memory;Fixed;Write-through;Sequential,;Ask server on open [BACH87];\^;\^;\^;Concurrent;\^ _ Andrew;Disk;Fixed;On close;Sequential;Server calls client [HOWA87];\^;\^;\^;\^;when modified _ Locus;Memory;Fixed;On close;Sequential,;Ask server on open [POPEK85];\^;\^;\^;Concurrent;\^ _ Apollo;Memory;Variable;Delayed or;Sequential;Ask server when lock [LEACH83];\^;\^;on unlock;\^;\^ _ CFS;Disk;Variable;On SModel;Not applicable;Not applicable [SCHR85];\^;\^;\^;\^;\^ _ Sprite;Memory;Variable;30 sec. delay;Sequential,;Ask server on open \^;\^;\^;\^;Concurrent;\^ _ .TE .)c .(q \fBTable 7\fR. Comparison of file systems. All of the systems but Apollo, Cedar and Sprite are variants of the UNIX operating system. The Apollo system delineates active use of a file by lock and unlock instead of open and close. The Cedar File System (CFS) only caches immutable files and provides a different type of cache consistency than the other systems. SModel is a software tool that is used to move cached files that have been changed back to their file server. .)q .)z