.(z C .(c .TS center, tab(;); | c | c s | c s | c s | | c | c s | c s | c s | | c | c | c | c | c | c | c | | c | c | c | c | c | c | c | | n | n | n | n | n | n | n |. .br _ Benchmark;Degradation;Server Utilization;Network Utilization \^;_;_;_ \^;Original;Handle;Original;Handle;Original;Handle \^;\^;Locally;\^;Locally;\^;Locally = Andrew;12.5%;6.2%;8.9%;5.6%;1.04%;.69% _ Fs-make;5.6%;1.0%;6.7%;4.1%;.75%;.45% _ .TE .)c .(q \fBTable 8\fR. Estimated improvements possible from client-level name caching and server callback. The estimates were made by counting invocations of Open and Get Attributes operations in the benchmarks and recalculating degradations and utilizations under the assumption that all of these operations could be executed by clients without any network traffic or server involvement. .)q .)z