We have decided to open up mirroring of the sendmail distribution under the following conditions: 1. The entire /pub/sendmail tree must be mirrored with one exception -- The .alpha and .beta directories should never be mirrored. 2. The mirror must be done from ftp://ftp.sendmail.org/pub/sendmail/. 3. The mirror must be updated on at least a daily basis at a bare minimum. Don't update more often than every six hours. Try to avoid copying files if they are unchanged (e.g., check the mod date). 4. It should be a true mirror, i.e. if a file is deleted on ftp.sendmail.org, it should also disappear from your mirrored site. 5. You must report the URL of the mirror site, whether it is a public site, and the administrator for that mirror to sendmail-mirror@sendmail.org. For example, "our.site.name will be mirroring ftp://ftp.sendmail.org/pub/sendmail at ftp://our.site.name/pub/sendmail. The mirror will be updated daily and is available to the public. The maintainer can be reached at ftp-maintainer@our.site.name." 6. You give us permission to publish your site on a "mirrors" web page available on the http://www.sendmail.org/ web site. 7. FTP logs must be mailed to sendmail-mirror@sendmail.org preferably daily, but weekly is acceptable. The subject or body of the message must clearly indicate the mirror host, beginning date of the information given, and the interval for that information.