A Characterization of Multi-Party Interactive Multimedia Applications Clemens Szyperski and Giorgio Ventre The Tenet Group International Computer Science Institute and Computer Science Division Department of EECS University of California, Berkeley e-mail: {szyperski,ventre}@icsi.berkeley.edu High Performance Network Research Report February 1993 Abstract This document tries to define and characterize a class of applica- tions called Multi-Party Interactive Multimedia (MIM), for which many examples are given. This class includes applications such as CSCW, teleconferencing, and remote education; its consideration in this report is based on the observation that MIM applications are both important and representative for the area of high-performance real-time communication. Purely functional criteria are used to capture the MIM class, i.e. ones that are not related to any particular way of implementation. Thus, future directions are sketched that give some indications on what a net- work architecture will need to provide, in order to effectively support such applications.