Characterizing the Variability of Arrival Processes with Indices of Dispersion Riccardo Gusella International Computer Science Institute 1947 Center Street, Suite 600 Berkeley, California 94704 TR-90-051 September 26, 1990 We propose to characterize the burstiness of packet arrival processes with indices of dispersion for inter- vals and for counts. These indices, which are func- tions of the variance of intervals and counts, are relatively straightforward to estimate and convey much more information than simpler indices, such as the coefficient of variation, that are often used to describe burstiness quantitatively. We define and evaluate the indices of dispersion for some of the simple analytical models that are fre- quently used to represent highly variable processes. We then estimate the indices for a number of measured point processes that were generated by workstations communicating to file servers over a local-area net- work. We show that nonstationary components in the measured packet arrival data distort the shape of the indices and propose ways to handle nonstationary data. Finally, to show how to incorporate measures of varia- bility into analytical models and to offer an example of how to model our measured packet arrival processes, we describe a fitting procedure based on the index of dispersion for counts for the Markov-modulated Poisson process.