Comparison of Rate-Controlled Static Priority and Stop-and-Go Hui Zhang and Edward W. Knightly EECS Department University of California, Berkeley and International Computer Science Institute To support emerging real-time applications, high speed integrated services networks need to provide end-to-end performance guarantees on a per-connection basis in a networking environment. In addition to the issue of how to allocate resources to meet diverse QOS requirements in a single switch, resource management algorithms also need to account for the fact that traffic may get burstier and burstier as it traverses the network due to complex interaction among packet streams at each switch. To address this problem, several non-work-conserving packet service disciplines have been proposed that fully or partially reconstruct the traffic pattern of the original source inside the network. This is achieved by a policing or delay-jitter control mechanism in which packets may be held at intermediate switches in order to keep the traffic from becoming burstier. In this paper, we compare two non-work-conserving disciplines: Stop-and-Go and Rate-Controlled Static Priority or RCSP. Stop-and-Go uses a multi-level framing strategy to allocate resources in a single switch and to ensure traffic smoothness throughout the network. RCSP decouples the server functions by having two components: a regulator to partially or fully reconstruct the traffic pattern and a static priority scheduler to allocate delay bounds in a single switch. We compare the two service disciplines in terms of traffic specification, scheduling mechanism, buffer space requirement, end-to-end delay characteristics, connection admission control algorithms, and achievable network utilization. The comparison is first done analytically, and then using MPEG compressed video traces for numerical investigations into the properties of practical real-time network sources.