CS263: Lectures
Spring, 1996
Lecture 1:
Overview (postscript)
Lecture 2:
Overview of PCF (no slides)
Lecture 3:
Axiomatic and Operational Semantics of PCF
Lecture 4:
Case for functional languages and SOS continued
Lecture 5:
Denotational Semantics Overview and SOS of Postfix
Lecture 6:
Denotational Semanatics of Postfix
Lecture 7:
Lecture 8:
Semantic Domains and Fixed Points
Lecture 9: Parameter Passing Mechanism
Note: no class on February 15.
Lecture 10: Scoping Mechanisms
(html or
postscript or
condensed postscript)
Lecture 11: Imperative Programming
(html or
postscript or
condensed postscript)
Lecture 12: CLU and Data Abstraction
html or
postscript or
condensed postscript)
Lecture 13: Data Abstraction and Specification
(postscript or
condensed postscript)
Lecture 14: Self and OO Semantics
(postscript or
condensed postscript)
Lecture 15: Monomorphic Types
postscript or
condensed postscript)
Lecture 16: Polymorphic Types
(postscript or
condensed postscript)
Lecture 17: Type Soundness in a Functional Language
(postscript or
condensed postscript)
Note: no class on March 12.
Lecture 18: Effect Systems (March 14).
Lecture 19: Standard Semantics
(postscript or
condensed postscript)
Lecture 20: Exceptions and CPS
(postscript or
condensed postscript)
Lecture 21: Abstract Interpretation
(postscript or
condensed postscript)
Lecture 22: Partial Evaluation
(postscript or
condensed postscript)
Lecture 23: Verification
(postscript or
condensed postscript)
Some additional notes on
verification are also available.
Lecture 24: Subtyping Revisited
(postscript or
condensed postscript)
Note: no class on April 16th and 18th.
Lecture 25: Java
(postscript or
condensed postscript)
Lecture 26: Parallel Languages
(postscript or
condensed postscript)
Lecture 27: Distributed Languages
(postscript or
condensed postscript)
Project Presentations on May 2