263 Reading List for Spring '96
Overview of Formal Semantics
- The Language PCF. Chapter
2 of Foundations for Programming Languages by John Mitchell.
To appear.
Functional Languages
- Can Programming be Liberated
from the Von Neumann Style?
J. Backus, Communications of the ACM, 21, 8, pp.613-641, 1978.
- Conception, Evolution, and
Application of Functional Programming Languages,
Paul Hudak, ACM Computing Surveys, Volume 21, Number 3,
pp.359--411, 1989.
Introduction to Standard ML. Robert Harper.
Abstract Data Types
- Barbara Liskov, et. al.
Abstraction Mechanisms in CLU, CACM '77. (not online)
- Abstract Data Types and the Development of Data Structures.
John V. Guttag, Communication of the ACM, 20-6, June 1977,
pp. 396--404. (not online)
Object-Oriented Languages
Type Inference
Partial Evaluation
Subtyping Revisited
Java and C++
Parallel Computing
Programming Parallel Algorithms.
Describes and motivates the two main ideas behind NESL, nested data
parallelism and the language based performance model. It appears
in CACM, Mar 1996.
Jade: A High-Level, Machine-Independent Language for Parallel Programming
M. C. Rinard and D. J. Scales and M. S. Lam, IEEE Computer, June, 1993.
ZPL: An Array Sublanguage, Calvin Lin and Lawrence Snyder,
Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing, U. Banerjee, D.
Gelernter, A. Nicolau, and D. Padua, eds, pp. 96-114, 1993.
(This paper will not be discussed in lecture, but the ZPL language
is a data parallel language which will be discussed in a programming
language seminar on May 6 at 4pm in 405 Soda.)
Distributed Computing
Kathy Yelick, yelick@cs.berkeley.edu.