CS267 / E233 University of California at Berkeley
Applications of Parallel Computing, Spring 2007

Class: CS267 meets Wednesday and Friday 1 PM - 2:30 PM in 320 Soda.
Newsgroup: ucb.class.cs267
Instructor: Kathy Yelick
GSI: Marghoob Mohiyuddin
Homework assignments and online reference material are here


17-Jan-07 Lecture 1 Why Parallel Computing? (ppt, pdf)
19-Jan-07 Lecture 2 High performance on a single processor (ppt, pdf)
24-Jan-07 Lecture 3 Single processor performance tuning (ppt, pdf)
26-Jan-07 Lecture 4 Introduction to parallel machines (ppt, pdf)
31-Jan-07 Lecture 5 Shared memory machines, threads, and OpenMP (ppt, pdf)
2-Feb-07 Lecture 6 StarP programming model (Guest: Alan Edelman) (ppt, pdf)
7-Feb-07 Lecture 7 Distributed memory machines and intro to MPI (ppt, pdf)
9-Feb-07 Lecture 8 Programming in MPI and tree-based algorithms (ppt, pdf)
14-Feb-07 Lecture 9 Sources of Parallelism and Locality I (ppt, pdf)
16-Feb-07 Lecture 10 Sources of Parallelism and Locality II (ppt, pdf)
21-Feb-07 Lecture 11 Dense linear algebra 1 (Guest: Jim Demmel) (ppt, pdf)
23-Feb-07 Lecture 12 Dense linear algebra 2 (ppt, pdf) Future work (ppt, pdf) (Guest: Jim Demmel)
28-Feb-07 Lecture 13 Structured grids (ppt, pdf)
2-Mar-07 Lecture 14 Global address space programming in UPC (ppt, pdf)
7-Mar-07 Lecture 15 Titanium (ppt, pdf)
9-Mar-07 Lecture 16 Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiply (ppt, pdf)
14-Mar-07 Lecture 17 Sparse direct methods (ppt, pdf) (Guest: Xiaoye Sherry Li)
16-Mar-07 Lecture 18 Computational Astrophysics (Guest: Julian Borrill)
21-Mar-07 Lecture 19 Spectral methods (ppt, pdf)
23-Mar-07 Lecture 20 Multigrid on structured grids (ppt, pdf)

Spring Break

Spring Break
4-Apr-07 Lecture 21 Particle methods (N-Body) (ppt, pdf)
6-Apr-07 Lecture 22 Heart simulation (particle-mesh method) (ppt, pdf)
11-Apr-07 Lecture 23 Graph partitioning (ppt, pdf, Guest: Jim Demmel)
13-Apr-07 Lecture 24 Graph partitioning (continued)
18-Apr-07 Lecture 25 Dynamic load balancing (ppt, pdf)
20-Apr-07 Lecture 26 Performance modeling and sorting (ppt, pdf)
25-Apr-07 Lecture 27 Climate modeling (Guest: Michael Wehner)

No lecture: EECS faculty retreat
2-May-07 Lecture 28 Volunteer computing (Guest: David Anderson) (pdf)
4-May-07 Lecture 29 Future of parallel computing (ppt, pdf)