Research Projects
- ExaBiome: Exascale Solutions for Microbiome Analysis
- Bebop: Berkeley Benchmarking and Optimization Project
- HipMer:
High Performance Meraculous genome assembler, part of ExaBiome
- Indigo: a DSL for Image analysis
A massively parallel graphical model estimator
- diBELLA: A long read assembler, part of ExaBiome
- UPC++: PGAS C++ (now led by Scott Baden and completely redesigned by his team)
- DEGAS: Dynamic Exascale Global Address Space
- Berkeley UPC: Unified Parallel C at Berkeley
- Par Lab: The Parallel Computing Laboratory
- Titanium: A Java-based PGAS language
- BIPS: Berkeley
Institute for Performance Studies
IRAM: Intelligent RAM
ISTORE: Intelligent Storage
OSKI: Optimized Sparse Matrix Kernel Interface
Sparsity: Autotuning sparse matrix kernels
Split-C: An early PGAS language.
- Multipol: Data structures for distributed memory
Coordination: Coordination Languages for Parallel Programming
- The
Castle Project: Integrated parallel computing software
Ancient Past